Make-Up & Skin Care
Using make-up does not necessarily have to mean hiding yourself behind a mask of thick foundation, glaring red lipstick and “smoky eyes.” Trends in cosmetics today tend toward a more natural look, which brings out the glow and clarity of your skin and eyes, and gives you a radiant smile.
Determining what make-up products to use and how to apply them step-by-step can be the key to a completely new look. Based on the “9-scale typology”, ICS - Image Consulting Services LLC will help you discover your most flattering make-up colors that enhance your complexion, eyes and lips.
ICS will set up a make-up system that enables you to enhance your best facial features and minimize the flaws. You will look your absolute best on any occasion without spending a fortune on make-up or buying products you never use.
ICS will show you how to use your existing make-up and skin care products professionally. We assess which products are right for you and your specific requirements. You can also have your questions answered about cosmetics you have already purchased and do not know what to do with.
At ICS, we give you an abundance of insider tips and tricks that professional make-up artists usually keep to themselves.
If you want your make-up to look great, you'll need to keep up with your skin care regimen, too. ICS will show you what cosmetic and skin care products work best for your individual skin type and specific requirements. Additionally, you will gain knowledge about good skin care and the proper way to use the products.
*Make-Up consultation will ensure maximum efficiency and best success after you have done a Color consultation.